AREAS is an institution-based mobility and scholarship project organized by a Consortium of some the most prestigious universities in Europe and Asia. AREAS allows you to live an invaluable experience by undertaking a study or research period in Europe. It is open to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students and scholars and to academic staff. The project and the scholarships are financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 programme.
The project is open to students and scholars from the Asian Countries targeted (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam) willing to spend a mobility period abroad in Europe for the purpose of studying, teaching, training and research.
You can apply to study and participate in this programme for an enriching experience on both a personal and a professional point of view.
Students and scholars can choose from a wide variety of academic fields at different levels of study (Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Post-Doctorate and Staff) at one of the European partner Universities. Scholarships will be given to applicants selected by the Consortium.
The programme finances the expenses engendered by the mobility, including travel costs, subsistence allowances, tuition/registration fees and insurance costs.
Universitas di Eropa kembali membuka kesempatan bagi pelamar beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi S1, S2, S3, dan program Doktoral. Masing-masing jenjang pendidikan akan mendapatkan jumlah beasiswa yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada jenjang pendidikan yang akan ditempuh. Penjelasan secara lebih terperinci dapat diperoleh di pengumuman beasiswa di samping pengajaran Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur dan Perencanaan UGM. Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di