The release of Bachelor program graduates was again held on Wednesday (25/5) by the Department of Architectural Engineering and Planning. The release event was held in a mixed manner, namely offline in the K1 room and online via Zoom. There are 6 students of the Bachelor of Architecture program and 7 students of the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning program at the release of the May period this time.
The release of the graduates was attended by all levels of management, lecturers, and staff of the Department and Study Program. In addition, there are some parents/guardians who can attend to accompany graduates offline. The event was then opened with remarks from Ir. Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. as Head of the Department.
Entering the main event, namely the reading of the Yudisium program for the Bachelor of Architecture program which was read by Dr. eng. Nedyomukti Imam Syafii, S.T., M.Sc. (Secretary of the Bachelor of Architecture Study Program). The Architecture Graduate with the highest GPA was achieved by Muhammad Rasyid Verdyansyah with a 3.77 GPA. In addition, Vina Andita became the youngest Architecture graduate at the age of 21 years and 10 months.
Furthermore, the reading of the minutes of the Judisium of the Urban and Regional Planning program by Dr. Yori Herwangi, S.T., MURP. (Head of PWK Undergraduate Study Program). The PWK graduate with the highest GPA was achieved by Ikhsan Mauludin with a 3.94 GPA. Meanwhile, the youngest PWK graduate is Holy Githa Natalie at the age of 21 years and 4 months.
The event continued with the delivery of messages and impressions from representatives of parents, representatives of graduates, and representatives of students, as well as the screening of memorable videos. Then, the event closed with a prayer together. Congratulations to all graduates who have completed their study period in the Department of Architectural Engineering and Planning. Hopefully the knowledge that has been achieved can be put into practice for the benefit of society, nation, state, and mankind.