Student's Organization

The student organization at Jutap initially consisted of only one organization, namely KMAP (Family of Architecture and Planning Students). Because at that time there was only one study program, namely Architecture and Planning.

KMAP Wismakharman is an abbreviation of the Wismakharman Architecture and Planning Student Family, established on May 2, 1963, a year after the establishment of architectural affairs at UGM. Using the name Wiswakharman who is the architect of Prambanan Temple. Now it has arrived at the 45th generation. Its activities consist of:

Increasing Faith and Devotion through:

* Spiritual Web | A means for good students who are Muslim to know their religion.
* Routine Study | Mandatory study for KM members and students with speakers from outside
* Easter | Easter celebration in cooperation with civil engineering
* Friday at Arsi | Means of gathering for Christian – Catholic engineering students at Architect
* AWTOW(A Week Touring the World) SKI | Book review, film screening and bazaar
* Gradation | Celebrating the month of Ramadan with various Islamic activities
* Makrab SKK | For Christmas

Increasing Familiarity Between Students:

* GALA Tournament | Inter-generational sports competition
* Middle of Nowhere | Mid-semester music appreciation
* New Student Inauguration | Introduction of KM and BSO to new students
* Photography Exhibition | Photography exhibition
* Election and Handover of Position

Partnership with the Department

* Regular Workshop | Workshop between the KM and the Department attended by lecturers
* High School and University Student Visits || Provide performers and take a tour of the department.
* Free Tabloids | Student aspirations
* Release of Graduation Graduates

Improving the Quality of Student and Academic Human Resources

* KMAP Website Maintenance | Update the website and open a question and answer forum and as a means of publishing KM activities
* Photo Exhibition and Contest | Photo contests and exhibitions for campus residents
* Scholarship Seminar | Cooperating with cultural centers of foreign countries
* Research and Research
* Vertex
* Photo and Digital Imaging Workshop
* Photography Training

Improved Relationships with Other Universities

* DREAM | National congress of planning students throughout Indonesia
* IMPI Congress | Contribution of 3 KMAP members at the IMPI congress
* IMARTA | The sketch exhibition at Tarumanegara University was represented by one person

Introduction of the Department of Architecture and Planning to the Community

* HPTT (Technical Higher Education Day)
* Blood donors
* Web Design Competition
* Insoundnia Syndrome
* Kindergarten-level Pottery Coloring Competition

In addition to the above activities, KMAP also partners with:

* Black and White Photography
* WFC | Wiswakharman Football Club
* WBC | Wiswakharman Basketball Club
* BMW | Wiswakharman Music Workshop
* SKI | Islamic Spiritual Section
* SKK | Catholic Christian Spiritual Section

The following are activities that have been held by KMAP:

* Insoundnia Syndrome 1 and 2 | A music performance that is held every year to commemorate the birthday of KMAP wiswakharman. It was started in 2004 and has been held twice. Invite some local regional bands.
* Pottery Sketch Exhibition | A sketch exhibition intended for campus residents to show the beauty of their sketches. In collaboration with the Tembi Arts Center. With the title of the exhibition 'toempah tampoeng' which intends to be a place for sketching ideas from prospective architects at UGM.
* ‘GIS in Planning’ Workshop
* Wiswakharman Expo | The distribution of interests and talents of these students is in the form of activities carried out by students on campus which are accommodated by the Wiswakharman Family of Architecture and Planning (KMAP) students and outside the campus which are carried out independently by each student.
* Architecture Job Lecture – Planning Work Lecture | Field lectures held by each batch in semester 4 / Semester 5 supported by the department and KMAP. This field lecture contains real learning from lectures that have been followed for 4-5 semesters. The destination is in the form of cities in Indonesia with certain themes. The cities that have been the destination of KKA and KKP are Jakarta, Bali, Lombok, Surabaya and finally managed to penetrate Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

Until finally, in 2003, due to the different educational substance between architecture and planning, Urban and Regional Planning was inaugurated for the regular undergraduate program as a new study program that truly stood alone.

In 2003-2008, the organization in JUTAP was still with its KMAP.

Until 2008, a debate arose to form a new student organization, namely the separation between Architecture and Planning students. There was a fierce debate about the pros and cons between students.

However, it was decided that KMAP was split into two, namely the Architectural Engineering Student Family (KMTA) and the Urban and Regional Planning Engineering Student Association.

In June 2009, two student organizations were inaugurated