Accreditation Certificate

Each study program in the Department of Architecture and Planning has had an accreditation certificate from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). BAN-PT itself is an accreditation institution that has the vision to become an independent accreditation institution and to become a national and international reference. The following are the accreditation certificates that each study program has:


Visit the official website of BAN-PT Indonesia
Gadjah Mada University
Architecture Undergraduate (Excellent Predicate)
Architecture Professional (Very Good Predicate)
Arch. Undergraduate (Grade A)
Master Architecture (Grade A)
Doctoral Architecture (Grade A)
URP Undergraduate (Excellent Predicate)
URP Master (Excellent Predicate)
Master Urban Design (Good Predicate)
Doctoral URP (Very Good Predicate)


Visit the official website of ASIIN Accreditation and KAAB Accreditation
Urban Regional Planning Program
Architecture Program