On Wednesday (18/1) the UGM Architecture Study Program received a visit from the Architecture Study Program at Makassar State University (UNM). The study visit was received directly by Dr. Eng. Nedyomukti Imam Syafii, S.T., M.Sc., as secretary of the Architecture program.
UNM Architecture students, accompanied by two of their lecturers, have been present in the K1 DTAP room since 09.00. The event begins with a description of the program, the latest activities, and the achievements and accreditations that have been achieved. Then, the event continued with a question-and-answer session. Several UNM students and lecturers seemed enthusiastic about submitting various questions about UGM architecture. Approaching 11.30, the event session in room K1 will soon end. The event ended with the submission of a plaque from UNM Architecture to UGM Architecture.
Furthermore, the students were invited to tour the DTAP environment as well as see the final assignments of the UGM Architecture students. Starting from the Architecture Final Assignment room, then going to the Library, and the last being the Architecture Studio room, The students looked so enthusiastic as they watched the various designs and assignments.
Then, at the end of the event, a group photo session was held in front of the red bricks of DTAP. Thus ended the visit from the UNM Architecture Program. Hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful for the advancement of the joint architecture program, and it is hoped that cooperation and good relations will continue to exist between UGM Architecture and UNM Architecture in the future.