On Tuesday (19/11), the Department of Architecture and Planning held another event to release graduates of the Architecture and Planning Undergraduate Program. The event took place in Room K1 2nd Floor which had begun to open since 09.00 WIB. The graduates accompanied by parents / guardians seemed to be present with great joy and pride.
The release of this period was attended by 21 students of the Architecture program and 6 students of the Urban and Regional Planning program. At 09.30 WIB, the event officially began with the reading of prayers and singing the Indonesia Raya song and the hymn of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Then continued with remarks by Ir. Dimas Wihardyanto, S.T., M.T., IPM. (DTAP Lecturer Representative).
Then entered the main event, namely the reading of the Judiciary Minutes starting from the Architecture program by Harry Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Head of Study Program). Accompanied by Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, S.T., MA (UD)., Ph.D. (Secretary of the Study Program) who symbolically handed over the SKL to the graduates. Architecture graduates with the highest GPA were Nuzulia Nur Zulfa with a GPA of 3.77. In addition, Pua Victory Concordia became the youngest graduate with the age of 21 years and 3 months.
In the Regional and City Planning program, the reading of the Judiciary Minutes was read by Iwan Suharyanto, S.T., M.Sc. (PWK Lecturer Representative). While the handover of the SKL was carried out by Dr. Yori Herwangi, S.T., MURP. (Head of Study Program) and Isti Hidayati, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Secretary of Study Program). Intan Ayu Nurkhalishah became the PWK graduate with the highest GPA of 3.62 as well as the youngest graduate at the age of 21 years and 11 months.
After reading the Minutes of Judicium, there were messages and impressions from representatives of parents, representatives of graduates, and student representatives. Then the event was closed with prayer and group photos. Congratulations to all graduates who have completed their studies at the Department of Architecture and Planning. Hopefully the knowledge that has been achieved can be practiced for the benefit of society, nation, state, and mankind.