The Department of Architecture and Planning once again held the Architect Inauguration and Graduation Ceremony for the Bachelor’s Program on Tuesday (25/2). The event started at 13.00 in the K1-K2 room. In this period, 14 Architect Professional Program students were inaugurated, 10 Bachelor of Architecture students and 6 Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning students participated in the graduation ceremony.
The inauguration and graduation ceremony was also attended by Dr. Ir. Sugeng Sapto Surjono, S.T., M.T., IPU, ASEAN Eng. (Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs), Ar. Georgius Budi Yulianto, IAI., AA. (IAI National Representative), Ar. Erlangga Winoto, IAI., AA. (IAI DIY Representative), as well as all levels of management, lecturers, and staff in the DTAP environment.
The event was opened with a prayer and singing of the Indonesian national anthem and the Universitas Gadjah Mada hymn. Then, the Architect Inauguration event was opened with remarks from Dr. Ir. Sugeng Sapto and Ar. Erlangga Winoto. Entering the main event, which is the awarding of the Architect certificate carried out by Dr.Eng. Ar. Alexander Rani S., IAI (Head of the Architect Professional Program) and accompanied by Dr. Ir. Sugeng Sapto and Ar. Erlangga Winoto. Of the 14 PPAr students, 3 graduated with honours (cum laude) with a GPA of 3.81. The predicate was achieved by Grace Ratnaputri Rityasmara, Faishal Abdurrahman, and Vidya Larasati Adiraputri. After that, there were remarks and closing material delivered by Ar. Georgius Budi Yulianto regarding the role and responsibilities of architects for the future.
The next event was reading the Architecture Bachelor’s Degree program graduation report by Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, S.T., MA(UD)., Ph.D. As well as the awarding of SKL to the graduates by Harry Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. and Ir. Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto (Head of Department). The Architecture graduate with the highest GPA was Beta Nadhya Maimunah with a GPA of 3.89. In addition, Harry Darmawan became the youngest Architecture graduate at the age of 21 years and 11 months.
Then continued with the reading of the Urban and Regional Planning program graduation report by Widyasari Her Nugrahandika, S.T., M.Sc. The awarding of SKL was carried out by Ratna Eka Suminar, S.T., M.Sc. and accompanied by Ir. Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto. The PWK graduate with the highest GPA was achieved by Rifqi Ananda Guswiputra with a GPA of 3.70. Meanwhile, the youngest PWK graduate was Afanda Audy Lusiana at the age of 22 years and 7 months.
Entering the end of the event, there were messages and impressions from representatives of parents, representatives of graduates, and representatives of students. Then the event was closed with a prayer and a group photo. Congratulations to all graduates who have completed their studies in the Department of Architecture and Planning. Hopefully, the knowledge that has been achieved can be practiced for the benefit of society, nation, state, and humanity.