Saturday, October 30, 2021, a training (workshop) was conducted for a number of education staff (tendik) of the Department of Architecture and Planning, FT UGM. This training was held in a mixed manner, both online using a zoom platform and offline, located at the TGA DTAP studio, Faculty of Engineering, UGM while still obedient to health protocols. This training focuses on topics related to Cloud Computing-based Data Management.
This training activity was attended by representatives from the Department of Architectural Engineering and Planning, including Mrs. Syam Rachma M, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., (Secretary of the Department) and Mrs. Nur Zahrotunnisaa Zagi, S.T., M.T. (Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Human Resources and Assets) was then attended by Mrs. Rina Yosefiana, S.Sos (Coordinator for Financial Affairs, Assets, General Affairs and SHE) and Mr. Faesal S.Psi. (Coordinator for Education and Student Affairs). The instructor for this training event were Mr. I Wayan Ordiyasa, S.Kom., M.T. along with his team from the Informatics study program from the University of Respati Yogyakarta.
This training is divided into several sessions. Starting from the briefing of material by Mr. I Wayan then continued by the practice by each participant present guided by his teammates. This cloud computing training uses the giant Google platform services in particular. Some of the scheduled trainings are starting from the operation of Google Email services including Email Blast as an email service (electronic mail), Google Drive (cloud storage) which is synchronized with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides as an editor for text documents, images, presentations, spreadsheets online collaboration.
Mrs. Syam Rachma (Secretary of the Department) said this training was important because the tendency to use cloud computing was very high for online work activities. He added that current educational developments also demand the application of online IT computing (cloud) so that academic staff as supporting students are challenged to be able to follow and adapt. This is also reinforced by the statement of the Head of the Quality Assurance, HR and Assets unit of DTAP that this cloud computing training is important considering that cloud-based jobs will also make it easier and are expected to improve the performance of the staff.
Technology is growing rapidly and has an impact on academic services not only now but also in the future. Realizing this, DTAP always strives for the human resources involved to be able to adapt and keep up with existing developments. This is inseparable from the benefits and high flexibility offered for a better and conducive working environment. Thank you.
More information about the training can be accessed via the following youtube link Cloud Computing Training for Academic Staff DTAP