During the peak of the 79th Hari Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik (HPTT) celebration last February, the Department of Architecture and Planning (DTAP) achieved a milestone by winning third place in the Jagoan Kompos Competition. Composting organic waste, such as fallen leaves and food scraps, is a simple, practical, and eco-friendly method to support responsible waste management. It helps prevent bad odors, reduces the risk of disease, and maintains a clean and pleasant environment. Through this competition, the Faculty of Engineering aims to inspire departments to actively contribute to the Zero Garbage Campaign. This aligns perfectly with this year’s HPTT theme, ‘The Role of Engineering Science in Responding to Global Climate Change and Creating a Quality and Sustainable Environment,’ addressing SDGs 3, 11, and 13.
At DTAP, composting is conducted in the backyard using organic waste such as leaf litter and stale rice. The composting process begins with the collection and chopping of materials using a special chopping tool. The shredded, dry materials are then placed in a trash bin and layered alternately with wet materials until the bin is two-thirds full. Next, the materials are doused with a mixture of water and stale rice to encourage the growth of decomposing bacteria, after which the bin is placed in a shaded area. The compost is stirred periodically to ensure adequate air circulation and monitored daily to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. If consistently maintained, the materials will decompose within 3–6 months, resulting in compost ready for use as soil fertilizer. The finished compost is utilized in the DTAP garden, Innercourt area, and Green Wall.

After a thorough six-month composting process, the jury finally assessed the results in January. The DTAP team proudly earned third place for their composting efforts. Although the competition has concluded, DTAP remains committed to continuing its composting initiatives. This activity is a shining example of how the DTAP academic community can contribute to sustainable waste management and foster a healthier, quality environment.