Before strenuous exercise, of course the body needs to warm up first. Likewise, to start the new semester, warming up is needed for the DTAP academic community to be more enthusiastic about following the lecture agenda in the new academic year, Odd 2021/2022. As usual, the Department of Architectural Engineering and Planning held a Public Lecture which presented a number of speakers before starting the lectures in depth at the beginning of each semester. This inaugural lecture activity applies to all Architecture and Urban Area Planning (PWK) study programs at any level. Each study program presents speakers who are qualified in their fields. The implementation of the 2021/2022 odd semester general lecture will take place online.
On Saturday, August 14, 2021, the Urban Design Study Program held a Public Lecture with the title “Challenges of Urban Projects sharing with next generation” delivered by Sibarani Sofian, MUDD, B.Sc, LEED AP who is the founder and director of the URBAN+ Design Studio.
On Monday, August 16, 2021, the Architecture and PPAr study program presented resource person Ary Indra, one of the founders and principal architects of the Aboday Architecture Bureau. On this occasion, Ary Indra shared many things based on his experiences ranging from how good architecture is to showing some case studies from his work which are certainly very inspiring.
On the same day, the Urban Regional Planning study program presented the figure of Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. On the occasion of this inaugural lecture, the PWK study program brought the title “Connectivity, Equality, and Welfare”.
It is hoped that, with this inaugural lecture, the DTAP academic community in particular, can be more inspired and motivated to start lectures in the future and can open scientific horizons and introduce the potential and challenges of the profession and science in the future.
Keep the spirit, stay healthy, and see you next time.
Thank you.
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