The campus environment, especially in the Department of Architecture and Planning (DTAP), has many empty spaces that have the potential to be activated as functional areas. One of them is the DTAP innercourt, an open space that is often underutilized. With an innovative design approach, this area can be transformed into a place that supports discussion activities, collaboration, and informal interactions between students and lecturers.
The need for small spaces that are flexible, multifunctional, and easy to move is relevant in the campus environment. These modular spaces can be adapted to maximize the use of the innercourt and other empty areas in DTAP. In addition to enriching the quality of space in the campus environment, modular design also provides flexibility for use in other locations as needed.
Through this competition, students are invited to develop creative ideas that can transform DTAP’s empty spaces into more lively, productive, and inspiring areas, but remain innovative and applicable in the context of modular spaces. By focusing on the concept of modularity, participants are expected to be able to design spaces that not only meet functional needs, but also aesthetics, comfort, and mobility, which are relevant to the surrounding context.
After an intensive selection process and inspiring final presentations, we are proud to announce the winners of the PortaMod Design Competition. The competition has succeeded in creating modular design solutions that are oriented towards sustainability and innovation!
We appreciate all the finalists for the brilliant ideas they have contributed. These works prove that architecture can be the answer to global challenges, supporting efficiency, inclusivity, and sustainability. Thank you to all the participants who have contributed to inspiring future designs!