Inauguration ceremony of Prof. Dr Ir. Budi Prayitno, M.Eng., As Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, was held at the Senate Hall, Universitas Gadjah Mada. In connection with the COVID-19, the event was only attended by the Board of Professors and several representatives of the academicians by following the applicable health protocol. Meanwhile, other guests were asked to attend and watch online on the Universitas Gadjah Mada Youtube channel.
The event, which was held on July 23, 2020, began with singing the song Indonesia Raya and Hymne Gadjah Mada which was then followed by the opening of the Open Meeting of Board of Professors by the Chairman. Furthermore, Prof. Dr Ir. Budi Prayitno, M.Eng had the opportunity to deliver his Professor’s inauguration speech entitled “A New Paradigm of Housing and Urban Development”. He said that housing is one of the basic needs to create prosperity, apart from clothing, food, education and health. However, understanding the meaning of the board is often seen as the physical fulfilment of the house so that the performance target is difficult to achieve. Therefore, we need a new development paradigm that positions houses as part of an urban issue where land is a determinant of the effectiveness of housing provision. The concept of share land value capture can support the government’s balanced land policy which uses a 1: 2: 3 composition, which means that developers building one luxury house are required to build two middle-class units, and three simple class units can be supported by the concept.
After delivering the speech, the event was closed with the handover of Samir to Prof. Dr Ir. Budi Prayitno, M.Eng by the Chairman of the Board of Professors who is accompanied by the Secretary of the Board of Professors. Prof. Dr Ir. Budi Prayitno, M.Eng is registered as the 57th Professor of the Faculty of Engineering from 58 professors, both active and non-active as well as the 557th professor from 563 professors registered in the HRIS (Human Resources Information System) as of 23 July 2020.