To welcome the new semester, study programs in the Department of Architecture and Planning held public lectures by inviting practitioners and academics from various backgrounds. This public lecture aims to be a forum for sharing the latest knowledge and experiences in architecture and planning. In addition, this event also prepares students to start their studies again.
On February 7, 2025, Urban and Regional Planning invited Dr. Sonia Roitman (Associate Professor, University of Queensland). Dr. Sonia gave a lecture titled “Indonesian Planning in Southern Planning Context”. The event took place in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room and was open to undergraduate to doctoral level URP students. In her lecture, Dr. Sonia explained the importance of inclusive and sustainable planning in the context of developing countries. This aligns with SDGs goal number 11, which is to create more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and settlements. And supports SDGs number 16, namely peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Then on February 8, the Urban Design study program held a public lecture with the President Director of PT. PSUD, Adrianto Santoso, S.T., M.T., IAI. This public lecture raised the theme “Arsitektur dan Kota: Riset dalam Memperkaya Arsitektur Kota yang Kontekstual” (Architecture and City: Research in Enriching Contextual Urban Architecture). For Adrianto, a city is a physical manifestation of various forms of social, cultural, economic, and political power. A good city must be a unified integrated organizational system, both socially, visually, and physically. Research is a decision-making method for development initiators, including urban designers, related to the design and implementation process of contextual urban design. Research in practice should be an inseparable process in innovative and contextual urban design. He also shared his experiences and research results in designing cities, which support the achievement of SDGs numbers 10 and 11 to reduce inequality and support sustainable cities.
And lastly, a public lecture by the Architecture program on February 10 with speaker Ar. Prasetyo, IAI, AA as Director of PT. PDW. The lecture which took place in Room K1-K2 raised the topic “Architecting the Future: Urban Innovation for SDGs”. This event is mandatory for Bachelor of Architecture and Professional students, but is also open to Masters and Doctoral students of Architecture. The speaker shared stories about the role of architecture in the future in urban innovation that is in line with the vision and mission of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As an architect, we should be able to produce sustainable designs and pay attention to global development so that we can support SDGs number 11 (sustainable cities) and number 13 (addressing climate change).
Hopefully, the knowledge gained in this public lectures can be of benefit to everyone attended and made students more enthusiastic to start the new semester.