Jakarta, March 18, 2024 – Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D. (Prof. Bobi) participated in the Roundtable Discussiontitled Evolutionary Planning of the Capital Habitat 2045 (EPOCH 45). This event was organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in collaboration with MARS Architects, the Asian Development Bank, Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting, and the Embassy of the Netherlands. The discussion took place at Erasmus Huis, Kuningan, South Jakarta.
EPOCH 45 is a series of activities comprising public lectures and competitions focused on the development of the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) as a Forest City—a city that harmonizes urban life with natural ecosystems. During this discussion, Prof. Bobi engaged with other speakers, including Prof. Bambang Susantono (UNDIP), Dr. Myrna Asnawati Safitri and Mia Amalia, Ph.D. from the IKN Authority, Joris van Etten (Asian Development Bank), and Prof. Stephen Cairns (Monash University). The session was moderated by Dr. Neville Mars (MARS Architects) and Prof. Wiwandari Handayani (UNDIP).

The discussion was dynamic, exploring how economic growth can align with environmental sustainability. One of the key points raised by Prof. Bobi was the role of the informal sector in shaping Indonesia’s urban landscape. He highlighted that Indonesian cities have always developed through a balance between formal and informal sectors, a crucial factor that should not be overlooked in IKN’s planning.
Furthermore, Prof. Bobi emphasized that while informality is often associated with substandard living conditions, the sector significantly contributes to economic and social sustainability. One of the greatest challenges in developing IKN is integrating informal activities into a highly structured urban plan without eliminating the flexibility and adaptability that characterize Indonesian cities.
A major challenge in building IKN is ensuring that the planned city remains adaptable to Indonesia’s existing social realities. According to Prof. Bobi, a city designed for two million middle-class residents will inevitably attract more people, including those seeking economic opportunities in the informal sector. If not addressed from the outset, this could lead to complex social challenges.
Beyond constructing buildings and infrastructure, Prof. Bobi stressed the importance of a long-term strategy to gradually integrate informal sectors into a more structured urban layout. “This is not just about physical planning; it is also about social and economic transformation. We need an approach that allows informality to persist but in a more innovative and sustainable form,” he stated.
This discussion provided new insights into how IKN’s planning can accommodate Indonesia’s evolving urban dynamics without losing the socio-economic identity that defines its cities. By emphasizing the balance between formal and informal sectors, participants were encouraged to explore the challenges and opportunities in building an inclusive and sustainable capital city.
Aside from fostering meaningful dialogue, the event also marked an important moment for students and young professionals through the EPOCH45 International Planning Competition. This competition demonstrated how cross-disciplinary collaboration can generate innovative ideas for IKN’s future. A team consisting of Aisya Nazifa, Fatimah Muthi Sakinah, and Tasnim Arma Fauzia (Urban and Regional Planning, UGM), along with Dwiana Putri Setyaningsih (Cartography and Remote Sensing, UGM), collaborated with Fathah Aulia Rizka (Landscape Architecture, IPB) to develop their innovative concept. Under the guidance of Dr. Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, S.T., IPU., Ir. Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., and Wirastuti Widyatmanti, S.Si., Ph.D., the team received an Honorable Mention. This achievement highlights the vital role of the younger generation in realizing sustainable and future-oriented urban development.