The Staff

Administration Staff of Department of Architecture and Planning

  1. Rina Yosefiana, S.Sos. (Head of Administration)
  2. Faesal, S.Psi. (Vice Head of Administration)
  3. Nasuti (Sekretary)
  4. Sujalmadi (Expedition)
  5. Onenta Candra Sepulana (Employee Affair)

Administration and Academic Staff of Architecture Professional Program

  1. Joko Supriyadi

Administration Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program

  1. Indah Sri Suminarti, A.Md.

Administration and Academic Staff of Architecture Master Program

  1. Ratri Wulan Rahmanti, A.Md.

Finance and Household Staff of Architecture Master Program

  1. Anita Ambar Wahyuni, A.Md.
  2. Rully Baskoro

Administration and Finance Staff of Architecture Doctoral Program

  1. Hartono, SIP.
  2. Dianty Indraswari, A.Md.

Finance Staff of Architecture - Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Program

  1. Lusi Anita Sari, A.Md.

Finance Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program

  1. Santi Kumala Sari

Academic Staff of Undergraduate Program

  1. Rully Tamara Noor (URP Undergraduate Program)
  2. Supriyono (Architecture Undergradute Program)
  3. Kuswantoro (Academic Admin)
  4. Maryanto (Academic Admin)
  5. Wagiman (Room Coordinator Officer)

Academic Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program

  1. Purwantara
  2. Eka Handoko, S.E.

Thesis Staff of Undergraduate Program

  1. Andi Purwanto, A.Md. (URP Undergraduate Program)
  2. Budi Antono, SIP. (Architecture Undergradute Program)
  3. Sri Utami, A.Md.

Studio Lab Staff of Architecture Undergraduate Program

  1. Syayid Pramono, SE.
  2. Eko Purnomo

Studio Lab Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Program

  1. Sunyoto
  2. Sigit Pramono

Library Staff 

  1. Yusron Afif Musthofa, A.Md.
  2. Prihatin Eko Setyowati, A.Md.

IT Staff

  1. Aryka Grandistyana, S.Kom.
  2. Arief Nugroho, A.Md.

Facility Staff

  1. Ashari
  2. Muskadiyanto
  3. Pairan

Household Staff

  1. Pardi
  2. Radani
  3. Saripin


  1. Subowo Winarno
  2. Eko Joko Santoso
  3. Ponijan
  4. Ibnu Nur Cahyo, A.Md.