The Staff
Administration Staff of Department of Architecture and Planning
- Rina Yosefiana, S.Sos. (Head of Administration)
- Faesal, S.Psi. (Vice Head of Administration)
- Nasuti (Sekretary)
- Sujalmadi (Expedition)
- Onenta Candra Sepulana (Employee Affair)
Administration and Academic Staff of Architecture Professional Program
- Joko Supriyadi
Administration Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program
- Indah Sri Suminarti, A.Md.
Administration and Academic Staff of Architecture Master Program
- Ratri Wulan Rahmanti, A.Md.
Finance and Household Staff of Architecture Master Program
- Anita Ambar Wahyuni, A.Md.
- Rully Baskoro
Administration and Finance Staff of Architecture Doctoral Program
- Hartono, SIP.
- Dianty Indraswari, A.Md.
Finance Staff of Architecture - Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Program
- Lusi Anita Sari, A.Md.
Finance Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program
- Santi Kumala Sari
Academic Staff of Undergraduate Program
- Rully Tamara Noor (URP Undergraduate Program)
- Supriyono (Architecture Undergradute Program)
- Kuswantoro (Academic Admin)
- Maryanto (Academic Admin)
- Wagiman (Room Coordinator Officer)
Academic Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Master Program
- Purwantara
- Eka Handoko, S.E.
Thesis Staff of Undergraduate Program
- Andi Purwanto, A.Md. (URP Undergraduate Program)
- Budi Antono, SIP. (Architecture Undergradute Program)
- Sri Utami, A.Md.
Studio Lab Staff of Architecture Undergraduate Program
- Syayid Pramono, SE.
- Eko Purnomo
Studio Lab Staff of Urban and Regional Planning Undergraduate Program
- Sunyoto
- Sigit Pramono
Library Staff
- Yusron Afif Musthofa, A.Md.
- Prihatin Eko Setyowati, A.Md.
IT Staff
- Aryka Grandistyana, S.Kom.
- Arief Nugroho, A.Md.
Facility Staff
- Ashari
- Muskadiyanto
- Pairan
Household Staff
- Pardi
- Radani
- Saripin
- Subowo Winarno
- Eko Joko Santoso
- Ponijan
- Ibnu Nur Cahyo, A.Md.