Yogyakarta, 7 February 2025 – Dr. Sonia Roitman, an Associate Professor in Development Planning at the University of Queensland, recently visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to share her insights on Indonesian Planning in Southern Planning Context, especially her insight on urban inequalities and housing policies. The event brought together UGM students, Paguyuban Kalijawi, and ARKOM, sparking a lively discussion about the unique and complex challenges and opportunities in urban development, particularly in Indonesia.
Dr. Roitman highlighted that planning concepts from the Global North often do not fit the realities of Southern cities, like Indonesia. She emphasized the importance of local knowledge, diversity, and genuine community participation in planning processes. By acknowledging the disconnect between formal guidelines and on-the-ground realities—what she referred to as the “conflict of rationalities”—she called for approaches that are better aligned with local contexts. The role of the state and government is very important in setting regulations, providing infrastructure, and ensuring equitable access to resources in urban development. Other than that, community is also important to be involved in government’s program.
The lecture lasted nearly three hours, during which students were highly engaged, actively posing questions and contributing to the dialogue. Through this event, we hope that the collaboration between the University of Queensland and Universitas Gadjah Mada-especially in the fields of Urban and Regional Planning-grows even stronger. To watch the full lecture again, please access the class recording through link below.

Source: https://mpwk.ugm.ac.id/en/2025/02/07/unpacking-indonesian-planning-in-southern-planning-context/