On Tuesday (17/10) the Department of Architecture and Planning UGM received a visit from the Bachelor of Architecture program, Wijayakusuma University, Purwokerto. The visit aimed to get information about further studies after graduating from Architecture.
The visit started immediately when a group of students and lecturers from Wijayakusuma University arrived at the Conference Room at 13.30. The group was then welcomed directly by Diananta Pramitasari, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. as the head of the Master of Architecture study program. This was followed by a presentation and description of the master’s programs at DTAP, especially the Master of Architecture. Ms. Dian explained about the concentrations in Master of Architecture, the differences with other Master programs and PPAr, and the job prospects of graduates. Friends from Wijayakusuma University seemed enthusiastic to hear the presentation while asking various questions.
The event was then closed by handing over a memento plaque given by Mrs. Widya as a representative of Wijayakusuma University. The whole event then ended with a group photo and Wijayakusuma University friends had the opportunity to tour the DTAP campus environment. Thus ended the visit from the Bachelor of Architecture program, Wijayakusuma University. Hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful for mutual progress and it is hoped that cooperation and good relations will continue between DTAP UGM and Wijayakusuma University Architecture in the future.