Tuesday, February 19, 2019, the Department of Architecture and Planning released 14 graduates from Architecture Study Program and 14 graduates from Urban and Regional Planning Study Program. The graduation ceremony began at 10:00 in the K1 Room of the Department of Architecture and Planning by singing the Indonesia Raya song and Gadjah Mada Hymn.
The program then continued with the reading of the names of graduates who invited to go forward with their parents for trophy and diploma surrender as a sign of graduation. For Architecture Study Program, the submission carried out by Dr. Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M. Eng. as Chairman of the Department and accompanied by Diananta Pramitasari, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. as a representative of the Architecture Study Program. While for Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, the submission carried out by Dr. Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M. Eng. as Chairman of the Department and accompanied by Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. as a representative of Urban and Regional Planning Study Program.

After that, the event continued with a few words from the representatives of the parents of graduates who delivered by Ir. H. Edi Rusdi Kamtono, M.M., M.T., parents of Muhammad Irfan Oktodiar (Graduation of Architecture Study Program) and also as Mayor of Pontianak. Not to forget, the graduates also said a word.

In this graduation ceremony, the highest GPA from the Architecture Study Program obtained by Annisa Nastiti with a score of 3.56 while for the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program obtained by Putu Sri Ronita Dewi with a value of 3.90. The average study period for the Architecture Study Program is 4 years 6 months and for Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, which is 4 years 4 months. The graduation ceremony was then closed with a group photo and lunch while accompanied by musical entertainment prepared in the courtyard of the Department of Architecture and Planning.