The International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP) is an international conference which is held every 2 years by the Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. This conference aims to bring together academics, researchers and practitioners from all over the world to share knowledge and experiences in the world of architecture and planning in Indonesia. Until this year, ICIAP has been held five (5) times.
This year, the 5th ICIAP was held for two days, on 15-16 October 2020 with the theme “Complexity: Design, Planning, and Innovation”, with specific topics; (1) Architectural Design; (2) Building Technology; (3) Settlement, Housing, and Neighborhood Design and Planning; (4) Urban Design and Planning; and (5) Regional and Rural Planning. Academics, researchers, and practitioners from all over the world can participate in collecting papers related to these themes and specific topics which will be presented by each author online through a platform called HOPIN due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the first day, 15 October 2020, the ICIAP event was opened by singing the song Indonesia Raya, Gadjah Mada Hymne, opening speech from Harry Kurniawan, ST., M.Sc., PhD as Chairman of the 5th ICIAP and Ir. Muhammad Waziz Wildan, M.Sc., PhD as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. The event was then continued with a Keynote Speakers session from Ryuji Fujimura who is a Professional Architect and Bambang Hari Wibisono who is an Urban Planning, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

After that, the event continued with the Invited Speakers session which was filled by Taro Igarashi (Architectural History / Design, Tohoku University), Dunja Krause (Sustainable Development Program, UN Research Institute for Social Development), and Niramon Serisakul (Urban Design, Chulalongkorn University).

On the first day, Parallel Session was the last and closing session. This Parallel Session is a session intended for academics, researchers, and practitioners to present previously collected papers and at the same time as a place to discuss and share experiences in the fields of architecture, planning, and government. This Parallel Session is divided into two sessions each day.

Not much different from the first day, the second day took place with two main sessions, namely Invited Speakers Session and Parallel Session. The Invited Speakers Session invited Huang Sheng-Yuan (Professional Architect, Field office Architects, Taiwan), Manfredo Manfredini (Architecture and Urban Design, The University of Auckland), and Devisari Tunas (Architect and Urban Planner, Future Cities Laboratory) as speakers.

After the Invited Speakers Session finished, the event continued with a Parallel Session. On the second day, 30 authors presented their respective papers. The 30 participants were divided into two sessions, each of which was further divided into three (3) rooms and moderated by one moderator in each room so that the atmosphere could be more lively and conducive.