The Internal Quality Audit (AMI) of Gadjah Mada University was carried out to ensure the study program at Gadjah Mada University had carried out a series of academic processes as well as internal control by the quality of study programs from the University.
The evaluation instrument used in AMI is the Study Program Self Evaluation Instrument (for study programs) based on the latest BAN-PT accreditation. It is hoped that this AMI will annually help study programs prepare themselves to face the accreditation of BAN-PT.

The Architecture Study Program has carried out AMI on November 19, 2019, with auditor Dr. Ir. Aswati Mindaryani, M.Sc. from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The AMI series of events are analyzing audit results from previous years, analyzing and auditing the quality of this year, as well as interviews with Architecture Bachelor Program students, Architecture Master Program students, as well as Architecture Doctoral Program students regarding criticism and suggestions on related study programs.
AMI is a systematic and independent test, to determine whether the activities and related results are in accordance with the standards set and whether the standards are applied effectively and in accordance with the objectives. With the existence of AMI, it is expected that internal control will improve the quality and quality of related study programs.