The Department of Architecture and Planning at Universitas Gadjah Mada together with the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) held an Inauguration of the Architectural Profession on February 25, 2019. Previously, on January 18, 2019, 31 students had been declared eligible to carry out the Judiciary of Professional Architect Education Students. This Architectural Inauguration Event is the first inauguration event (batch 1) conducted by PPArs (Architectural Professional Education) UGM.
PPArs is a continuation study program from Architecture S1 which was initiated by the signing of the MoU between DTAP and IAI in 2011 No.130 / HL17 / TAP / PS2011 and No.024 / MOU / IAI / III / 2011. PPArs’ vision is to produce young architects who are professional, have a high entrepreneurial spirit, and are compliant in accordance with the requirements set by IAI nationally, as well as UIA requirements internationally. PPArs is chaired by Dr. Ir. Jatmika Adi Suryabrata, M.Sc., IAI., and Ir. Adi Utomo Hatmoko, M.Arch, IAI as study program secretary.
The Inauguration Ceremony of the Architecture Profession began with singing the song Indonesia Raya and the Gadjah Mada Hymn. After that there were speeches. Dr. Eng. Ir. Sarwadi, M. Eng as Chairman of the UGM Department of Architecture and Planning who first made his speech. Then followed by a speech from Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc. Ph.D. as Dean of the Engineering Faculty UGM and Ahmad Djuhara as National Chairman of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI).

Before 31 students were called forward for the inauguration of the architect’s profession, the assignments of 31 students were displayed in the form of video screenings. The invited guests present were enthusiastic when watching the video. The various student works are displayed in three-dimensional forms. After the video screening was finished, one by one the students were then called forward to the inauguration ceremony which was marked by the giving of a certificate by Prof. Ir. Nizam M.Sc. Ph.D. and Dr. Eng. Ir. Sarwadi, M. Eng.

Virginia, as one of the graduates of the Architect Professional Education who was appointed then advanced to give a speech to all invited guests. The inauguration was then closed with motivation and inspirational stories for the inauguration participants and group photos.