Monday, August 6 2018 is the start date of “Pelatihan Pembelajar Sukses Mahasiswa Baru” or commonly referred to as PPSMB. This activity lasted for one week which included two series of events, namely PPSMB PALAPA (university level) and PPSMB Kesatria (faculty level). On the same day, that is on August 6, 2018 there was also the reception of parents of new students. Parents of new students are invited to attend university level meetings at 09.00-12.00 at Grha Sabha Pramana, then continued faculty level meetings at 13.00-14.00 at KPFT, and departmental meetings at 14.00-16.00 at the Department of Architecture and Planning.
After the PPSMB PALAPA program and the PPSMB Faculty were completed on Monday, August 13, 2018, the welcoming event continued with the Infoday program from the Department of Architecture and Planning Engineering. For new students in the 2018 class of Architecture Engineering Study Program, the event starts with the first lecture by Pak Budi Sumaatmaja at 09.30-12.00 and then continued with an explanation of the Architecture Engineering Study Program and the explanation of the student organizations that take part in the study program, namely KMTA.
At the same time, the Regional and City Planning Study Program also held Infoday for new students in 2018. The event began with a Tour of the Department of Architecture and Planning at 07.00-08.00, then Introduction to the Department of Architecture and Planning at 08.00-09.30, which followed by the introduction of the Regional and City Planning Study Program as well as the student organizations that take shelter in it namely HMTPWK. This Infoday program lasts until 12.00 WIB.
The events held as a venue to welcome new students in 2018 are expected to be a provision in the life of lectures for the next four years. In addition, parents of new students are also expected to be able to understand and understand the world of lectures in the Department of Architecture and Planning so that they can continue to support their sons and daughters in achieving achievements.